Herbal stamp massage

The herbal stamp massage involves alternating between stamping with the warm herbal sachets, which trigger a short and intense warming effect on the skin, and the corresponding massage strokes ("aromatherapy oil full body massage" or "traditional massage"). This combination ensures circulation throughout all the tissue, loosening of the muscles, and a completely soothing feeling for the body. The herbal stamp massage is also recommended for relieving pain and various musculoskeletal disorders. Like aromatherapy with essential oils, the intense scents of the herbs are absorbed through the nose and have a soothing effect on you.

The herbal stamps are cloth (cotton or linen) filled with medicinal herbs, spices, and fruits. The herbal stamps are heated in steam before the massage to dissolve the ingredients. In addition, the heat increases your sense of relaxation and well-being. By gently pressing on the body, the ingredients combine with the massage oil and so the herbal vapors pass through the skin into the muscles deep into the body.

The herbal stamp massage relieves muscle tension, relieves stress symptoms and insomnia, helps with head, back and neck pain. Supports tired muscles after strong physical activity to regenerate and can help to reduce soreness, and joint stiffness. In addition, blood circulation, self-healing powers, metabolism and skin cell regeneration are stimulated, and the immune system and lymphatic flow are strengthened. The inhalation of these herbal aromas can clear the airways and is often used for fever, flu, and cold.

So that the noticeable relaxing effect can come to its full advantage, I recommend that you take a lot of time for the massage (min. 90 minutes).

90 minutes CHF 141.-
120 minutes CHF 186.-
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