Facial / Head / Neck massage

The facial, head and neck massage is given as a pleasant wellness treatment for relaxation. This helps to relieve the tensions of your daily burdens which manifest in tensions in your face. The skin of your face is very sensitive and full of nerve cells and various muscles which are responsible for expressing your mood in your facial expression. Thus a relaxing and pleasant facial and head massage can easily make you radiate inner harmony and balance.

The gentle stroking, punctual and circling massage techniques massage the outlines of your face. This freshens up the skin and stimulates the blood flow, it relieves tensions, swellings decrease, the connective tissue is tightened and even small wrinkles can be temporarily mitigated. A head massage involves stroking and kneading the head. This is because this is where many cranial nerves are located. There are also important acupressure points on the head, ears and neck, which are stimulated by a head massage. This massage helps with headaches, stress and fatigue.

30 minutes CHF 51.-
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